Tide of Thunder Wiki

These are new and improved town rules for DnD and the Ringheim setting.

Random Generating Towns

Step by step:

1. Roll for Town Size
  1a. Calculate rural population
2. Roll for town modifiers
3. Roll for Wealth
4. Roll for power centers
 4a. Roll for Power Alignment
 4b. Roll for Power type
5. Roll for shops

Town Size

Modifiers for town size

Along trade route   +5
On a coast          +5
Has a portal        +10

Town Size

d%      Town Size      Urban pop     GP limit        Shops     Shop level
01-10   Thorp          20-80         40 gp           0         +0 
11-30   Hamlet         81-400        100 gp          1d4-3     +0
31-50   Village        401-900       200 gp          1d6-3     +2
51-70   S. Town        901-2k        800 gp          1d6-2     +2
71-85   L. Town        2k-5k         3.000 gp        1d6-1     +4
86-95   S. City        5k-15k        15.000 gp       1d6+1     +4 
96-99   L. City        15k-25k       40.000 gp       1d6+2     +6
100-102 S. Metropolis  25k-50k       100.000 gp      1d6+3     +6
103-104 Metropolis     50k-100k      150.000 gp      1d10+4    +8
105     L. Metropolis  100k-250k     250.000 gp      1d10+5    +8
----    Planar City    250k-500k     500.000 gp      1d10+10   +10
----    Planar Metro   500k+         1.000.000 gp    1d20+10   +12

Rural Population

To determine the rural population of a city, roll (1d100+55)%. That's the percentage of the city population that can be found in the rural community connected to the city. I.e. a city with 100 inhabitants, rolls 25. this makes it that 80% of the population of the city lives outside, for a total of 180 people in the community.


Modify by 50%+1d100%.

Magical Shops

Shops are level 1d10+modifier

Power Center for the Community

Thorp          -1
Hamlet         +0
Village        +1
S. Town        +2
L. Town        +3
S. city        +4 (roll twice)
L. City        +5 (roll twice)
S. Metropolis  +5 (roll thrice)
Metropolis     +6 (roll thrice)
L. Metropolis  +6 (roll four times)
Planar City    +7 (roll four times)
Planar Metro   +7 (roll five times)