Tide of Thunder Wiki
Star Map

The Outlands[]

This is the map of the "Outlands" region, Galactic North of Sol and the Planet Earth. The Outlands is a vast region of space which is almost completly unexplored by either the Kotani or the Sh'tar because of their treaty which forbids any warfare close to earth or the Sol System. Mankind has just reached the Outlands and are ready to begin to build colonies and space stations there, but the war with the merchant dominion prevents them.

Known Systems[]

Antas IV[]

Antas IV[]

A rich and watery planet which hosts 86% water on it's surface. They are known for their strong laws which prohibits the use and carrying of any sort of weapon, and for the fact that two of the planets factions are currently at war witch each other over which religion is the most correct one. This war is fought without weapons however and only economical sanctions and speeches are made to persuade the other side that they are wrong in their faith.



Despite its name, Brack is a rich planet only because of it's verdant meat industry. The massive praries of the planets surface allows for great herds of Longhorn to graze there and they grow fat from it as they move around. Twice every year there's a huge market at the local space port which brings a lot of money to the cattle owners.



A massive Super ocean covers most of the planets surface and the pangea-continent of the planet is onset by massive storms once every year. The middle of the pangea is a salty desert while the coastal jungles are home to a small lizard-like creature that seems to be smarter than the average animal.



A worlf built upon the massive mesas that portrude up from the surface. These mesas are surrounded by massive clouds of gases that are poisonus to humans, while the pressure on the surface is enough to kill a man instantly. Coral was built as a philosophical haven and the inhabitants of the world has chosen to remain outside the normal bounds of society that the Terran Democracy offers. Any travellers may only land and visit the Terran Democracy compound. Leaving the compund will result in arrest and exile from the planet.


New Earth[]

A planet heavily influenced by the 21st century Japan and China. The people of New Earth are extremely proud and slavishly follow a rigid system of behaviour and etiquette that prevents outsiders from accomplishing much on the planet. The wrong gesture or the wrong word can close any door on New Earth instantly. New Earth is also home for some of the greatest nobles of the Terra Democracy, making the planet a luscious trade target for luxury.



The home planet of the rebels that wage a war against Nebezia. The rebels call them self the Wo Song and believe that they are the rightful rulers of the outer planets in their solar system. They have since been forced to accept a surrender thanks to the new technology revealed to the Nebezials when the group visisted their solar system.


Home planet to the proud and powerful Nebeziale. Nebezia has been embroiled in a civil war over the last four decades. The separatist of their colony planet has vowed to become free from their oppressive home planet, while the planet desperatly wants to keep their solar system under strict control.
